Medicine in Community
One Light Tribe is a healing collective
Our story
One Light Tribe was birthed and currently based in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, and part-time in San Marcos La Laguna, Guatemala. Our work is based on the use of ceremonial plant medicines for personal and collective healing. We hold regular cacao ceremonies and retreats locally, and also organize groups to travel to South America and the Amazon rainforest to work with medicinal plants under the guidance of shamans and medicine people.
Plant medicines have been used ceremonially for millennia and are a tool for bringing us back into balance. They can uncover what is already there, freeing us from self-limitations and reminding us that we are all connected to this earth and to one another. These sacred medicines can help us get to the root of an issue and can help us overcome depression, fears, addictions, anxiety, childhood traumas, PTSD, chronic disease, physical pain, relationship issues, the sense of ‘stuckness’, emotion trauma, imbalances and more.
Our tribe grows as this work deeply touches the hearts and souls of those who are called, who come seeking the teachings of the plants, and often find one’s own teacher within. True healing can only happen when you are ready for it. When you are called, you will know it without a doubt. We are honored to gather this community of like-minded people, at all stages of life, who are ready for this powerful transformational path. We welcome you to join us.
Isabel (Isa) is the founder and organizer of One Light Tribe. She began her own work with sacred plant medicines in early 2007 in the Peruvian Amazon, and has since studied the plants and done dietas under the guidance of several shamans and teachers in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil.
She currently studies with Shipiba maestras in Peru and Kichwa maestro don Luis Andi. She has completed several plant dietas with the Shipibo. After intensive personal work over a number of years, she heeded the call to introduce others to this path and continues to learn from the plants.
Isa has been holding retreats for the past 10+ years and has been on the spiritual healing path for the past 20+ years. Her self-awakening began with yoga, and she holds teacher certificates in both Iyengar and Kundalini yoga. She is a graduate of the Yoga of the Voice program with Silvia Nakkach. She has also trained in Polarity therapy, massage, reiki, sound healing, shamanic healing and Ayurveda. She sings icaros, medicine songs, her own original songs and light languages (SoundCloud link at bottom of page).
Isa is a lightworker and starseed, passionate about awakening the collective and bringing things back into balance. With deep gratitude to her teachers and lineages who carry the sacred medicines, she believes strongly that the knowledge of the plants needs to be shared and experienced by those called, so we can ‘wake-up’ and collectively heal the planet one by one. She is a channel or guide who assists and witnesses the healing each person has the capacity to do. She believes everyone and everything on our path is our teacher and that ultimately we find we each have our own guru (teacher) within. We must be the one to bring our own self to participate in our own healing journey.
In 2018, Isa began building her retreat center Sacha on Lake Atitlán in San Marcos La Laguna, Guatemala. This property and ceremony space was a vision a long time ago that in time manifested into reality. The property was finished building in 2022 and One Light Tribe and others have been offering retreats there since.
Isa guides the ceremonies with her voice, icaros, instruments, and light language. She is assisted by her husband Ari, as well as others who have been on this path for some time assisting during the retreats, sharing music and holding space. Together we create a safe space for healing, unraveling and letting go. Our tribe is our soul family, a warm and welcoming community. Many find lasting friendships and a beautiful circle of friends.